Articles in the 2010 issue, celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Turnbull Library, include:
From the President
Rachel Underwood signals the need to monitor the proposed merger of the National Library and Archives New Zealand into the Department of Internal Affairs.
From the Chief Librarian
Chris Szekely looks at temporary access issues and heralds the future of the Alexander Turnbull Library.
Dancers, Mermaids and a Sword Swallower!
David Adams, Co-ordinator, Copying & Digital Services at the Turnbull, is enthusiastic about current progress on digital access to the collections.
A message from the Minister
Hon Nathan Guy explains why he enjoys his role as Minister Responsible for the National Library.
And what do you think of New Zealand, Mr Shaw? George Bernard Shaw, New Zealand and the Alexander Turnbull Library
Jacqueline Aumann, a former senior policy analyst at the National Library, reports on the visit of GBS to the Turnbull in 1934.
From the Guardians
Shimrath Paul has taken up the reins at a very busy time in the life of the Library.
Publishing, patronage and poetry
An edited excerpt from a talk by Elizabeth Caffin, who has been studying the files of the New Zealand Literary Fund, 1946-88.
Whites Aviation: classic New Zealand aerial photography
A new book by Godwit displays hundreds of images from the Turnbull’s collections.
Heartwood: the contribution of totara to New Zealand’s ecology and culture
Dr Philip Simpson is researching the uses and status of totara in both Maori and Pakeha cultures.
A Library for the Nation
Gondwanaland Press has published Jim Traue’s 2009 articles about the proposed redevelopment of the National Library building.