FoTL public programme in Auckland

2024 Programme TBA…

Past Auckland Events:


Our first FoTL public talk for 2023 was held on Wednesday 19 July, with Jessica Moran and Alison McIntyre (Associate Chief Librarians of the Alexander Turnbull Library) presenting “The Turnbull Library: Virtually everywhere“.

Speaking about the way that the Turnbull Library has focused on expanding access to the Library’s collections through digital services that reach researchers anywhere or everywhere, creating a virtual reading room, Jessica and Alison discussed some of the current work underway and collections now available.

The second FoTL public talk in the 2023 programme, Paul Diamond: Reflections on being a Māori Curator, was held on Thursday 14 September.

Paul Diamond (Ngāti Hauā, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi) became the inaugural Curator Māori at the Alexander Turnbull Library in 2010. In this talk, he provided an entertaining and well-illustrated overview of some of the highlights and challenges of this role. Explaining that it involved an oversight of all the Turnbull collections, he discussed some of his favourite discoveries, captivating his audience with many anecdotes and insights along the journey.

Paul Diamond received the Friends of the Turnbull Research Grant in 2007. He is the author of A Fire in Your Belly: Māori leaders speak (2003); Makereti: Taking Māori to the world (2007); Savaged to Suit: Māori and cartooning in New Zealand (2018); and Downfall: The destruction of Charles Mackay (2022). He has previously worked as an oral historian and broadcaster, and in 2017 was awarded Creative New Zealand’s Berlin Writer’s Residency.

Contemporary Collecting: towards a documentary heritage for tomorrow

Dr Ashwinee Pendharkar is Curator Contemporary Voices & Archives at the Turnbull Library. Her talk, “Contemporary Collecting: towards a documentary heritage for tomorrow“, will present Contemporary Voices and Archives as the newly established curatorial area at the Alexander Turnbull Library, the vision that shapes it; and the practice and work so far.

Dr Ashwinee Pendharkar is an academic and heritage professional with deep commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As the inaugural curator of CVA, she has been instrumental in giving form to the Alexander Turnbull Library’s vision for a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable documentary heritage representing all New Zealanders. She leads these efforts by proactively ensuring focus on hitherto marginalised and under-represented cultural identities, communities, events, concerns, and formats.