Articles in the 2005 issue included:
From the President
Friends president Rachel Underwood offers a personal perspective on donating items to the Turnbull Library.
Main Trunk Lines
A preview of the New Zealand poetry exhibition curated by Jenny Bornholdt and Gregory O’Brien, which opens in July.
Laurence Alfred Cameron, 1922-2005
An acknowledgement of Laurie Cameron’s contribution to the Turnbull Library Trustees and to the Endowment Trust.
Laughing at Ourselves
Ian Grant outlines three stages in the 13 years of the New Zealand Cartoon Archive, now that the Turnbull Library has assumed the role of the NZCA Trust.
A Bibliographic Milestone: Books in Maori 1815-1900
Dr Phil Parkinson celebrates the achievement of this massive bibliography.
Biographical Voyage of Discovery
Professor Tim Beaglehole, 2005 recipient of the Friends of the Turnbull Library’s Research Grant, is completing a biography of his father, historian J C Beaglehole.
National Treasures from Australia’s Great Libraries
Philip Rainer describes the huge exhibition being prepared by the Australian State Libraries to go on tour in Australia.
An Engrossing and Illuminating Journey
Patricia Grace spent many rewarding hours in the Turnbull Library while researching her recent novel, Tu, a fictional account of the Maori Battalion at Cassino.
Towards the Precipice: Propaganda posters collected by W B Sutch
Andrew Francis discusses the exhibition, which is going on tour in New Zealand.
National Library Fellow 2005: Joanna Woods
Dr Woods has chosen to study the life and times of Charles Baeyertz, founder and editor of New Zealand’s first long-running cultural magazine, the Triad.
Wesley Hilton Secker, 1922-1997
A generous bequest has been received by the Friends of the Turnbull Library from “Bill” Secker, who was The Dominion’s newspaper librarian and gardening editor for many years.
Fulbright Scholar 2005: Chadwick Allen
Professor Allen is researching Maori self-representation and indigenous identity in the postwar period, especially the 1950s.
Gifts to the Nation: Mardi Gras
Music librarian Jill Palmer has curated this celebration of the work of New Zealand composers.
Capturing Elections
Ingrid Mason explains “event harvesting” in an election year.