Christchurch researcher Jarrod Gilbert has been awarded the 2016 Friends of the Turnbull Library Grant of $10,000 to assist in researching his new project, a social history of New Zealand focussing on the crime of murder.
Jarrod Gilbert is an independent researcher, a part-time university lecturer in sociology, and a columnist for The New Zealand Herald.
“Jarrod Gilbert is a highly talented writer and scholar, whose book on gangs, PATCHED, was praised for its remarkable combination of depth, ambition and accessibility. Now Dr Gilbert plans to tackle the history of murder in New Zealand, using specific murders – both well-known and little-known – as case studies that will chronicle our relationship with violence from pre-colonial days to the present. We are extremely pleased to contribute to this major project which will be of considerable public interest,” said Rachel Underwood, President of the Friends of the Turnbull Library. “Jarrod will have access to the rich and diverse collections held in the Alexander Turnbull Library, including newspapers and photographic archives.”